Victims of River Floods May Triple!
The number of people exposed annually to risks from river flooding will triple in 2050!!
Under moderate scenarios (2,2 degrees C by 2100, population 2100: 9,8 Billion), and assuming the same safety standards apply (e.g. 1/100 yr) without any additional adaptation measures, the number of people annually exposed to risk from river floods worldwide may grow from 39 million in 2010, to 112 million people in 2050. Under more extreme scenarios (2 degrees C by 2050, heading towards 3,7 degrees C in 2100, population 2100: 14,1 Bi), the present number may quadruple by 2050.
The area in red has the largest number of people affected annually.
Created in partnership with: PBL Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving